Forms & Instructions: Instructions for Waste Generation and Labeling
- Store the waste in an appropriate container (i.e.: DO NOT store corrosives in metal). Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) can provide some types of containers, such as five-gallon drums and various sized buckets. After EHS collects the waste, many of the containers can be returned for reuse. PLAN AHEAD!!! After EHS receives your pick-up request, there will be a period of time before the waste can be picked up. Do not fill all your containers and then request an immediate response. Depending on the rate of waste generation, keep appropriate number of containers on hand to use while the pick-up request is being processed.
- As soon as a material is designated waste, attach an appropriate yellow waste tag to the storage container. Tag and ties are available through the Department of Environmental Health and Safety located in Room 108 of the Campus Support Facility Building.
- Correctly fill out the tag:
- DATE (MO/DA/YR): This is the date of the first addition of waste into the container. You have ninety days from this date to have the waste removed from the location. Please plan accordingly and allow at least three weeks as a buffer.
- POINT OF CONTACT: The point of contact is the person responsible for the waste. This is usually a faculty or staff member.
- LOCATION: Give a room number and a building name or department. This location must be the point of the waste's generation. DO NOT REMOVE the waste from this location.
- CONTAINER CONTENTS: List contents. If you need more room, list additional contents on the back of the tag. If more than one person is adding to the container, work out a system to make sure each chemical added is listed on the tag. Write legibly and be as thorough as possible.