Inventory Maintenance

When you receive or purchase a new item, there are a series of steps to take: 

If you will use up the entire quantity before the end of the working day that container is exempt from the inventory. Remember to dispose of the container properly if it is an acute waste. If it was something you purchased at the hardware store, you may be able to throw the empty container in the trash.


If you will store the item on campus, have it added to the inventory. To assist the Authorized Material Receiver (AMR) with the inventory of your items please provide a MSDS . You should receive safety data sheets with your chemical shipment, but sometimes, especially in the case of purchasing products from local hardware stores, you cannot always get one immediately.


If you need to move items to another location for longer than the working day, or you receive an item from another department, give us the appropriate information. Both you and the recipient should notify your respective AMRs. Also, be sure to transfer a copy of the MSDS if necessary.


Enter the appropriate information on the Form and send it to your AMR. Then DESTROY the bar-code by peeling it off or marking through the bars with a permanent marker. Discarded containers with inadequately destroyed bar-codes will appear as though the item was thrown away but remains on the inventory. Please do not discard bar-codes without submitting the barcode numbers with a deletion request to your AMR.


  • Proper Disposal- IMPORTANT

If material remains in the container, you must follow proper waste disposal procedures . Attach a yellow waste tag and fill in the required information. Send a waste pick-up form to EHS and they will take care of it for you. You may throw some empty containers in the trash, but other items such as acute waste containers require special handling such as triple rinsing. Check with EHS with questions and consult the MSDS.


  • Gas Cylinders

When you obtain gas from distributors, make sure you arrange to have the vendor pick up the empty cylinders. Avoid purchasing lecture bottles - their disposal is extremely expensive. When you receive a new product, notify your AMR and they will get it into the inventory. The bar-code will be attached to a removable tag. When you exchange the cylinder for a new one, you may transfer the tag ONLY if the size and contents are identical. If a contractor exchanges cylinders, make sure they know to exchange the tags. If you receive a new gas or a different sized container, it will need a new bar-code.


  • Aerosols

If you use up the product and want to throw the container away, make sure that you release the pressure. If contents remain in the can, attach a waste tag and contact EHS for a pickup


  • What about non-hazardous items?

In general, AMRs do not inventory items such as table salt, talc, gravel etc. Some items, such as motor oil, will be inventoried. Submit questionable items on the ChemTrack Database Change Form and your AMR will let you know whether or not the item requires a bar-code. If the item contains any hazardous materials (chemical or physical) or is regulated in any way, it must be added to the inventory.


  • What about household/commercial products?

AMRs make a judgment call on these items. Generally, however, they will add these items to the inventory. This includes: adhesives and epoxies, sealants, paint, aerosols, oils, lubricants, solder fluids, automotive products, photographic chemicals, etc.