Waste Minimization Program:  Micro-scale Chemistry

Instituting micro-scale laboratory techniques to chemistry teaching laboratories is one of the best ways to minimize the quantity of waste generated. It provides a means of source reduction and therefore waste reduction, increases the safety of students and provides for decreased purchasing costs of chemicals. The investment of specialty apparatus and time to apply the new techniques pays for itself in a short time.

Institute the use of analytical equipment:

  • chromatographs
  • spectrophotometers
  • nuclear magnetic resonance systems

Specialty laboratory equipment:

  • microscale glassware kits
  • capillary melting point apparatus
  • electronic digital balance
  • automatic delivery pipettes and syringes

Web References

Resources/Laboratory Manuals

Bergstrom, W., & Howells, M. (1988). Hazardous waste reduction for chemical instruction laboratories. Cincinnati: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

College of the Redwoods. (1989). No-waste lab manual for educational institutions. Sacramento: California Department of Toxic Substances Control. (Closed-loop)

Ehrenkranz, D.F. (1993). Chemistry in micro-scale: a set of micro-scale laboratory experiments. Dubuqe, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co.

Ehrenkranz, D.F. (1993). Chemistry in micro-scale: a set of micro-scale laboratory experiments with teacher guides. Dubuqe, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co.

Flinn Scientific (1994). Spectrophotometer Laboratory Manual. Batavia.

Hathaway, R.A. (Ed.). (1991). Safety considerations in micro-scale chemistry laboratories. Symposium at the 197th national meeting of the American Chemical Society, April 12, 1989, Dallas. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society.

Mayo, D.W., Pike, R.M., Trumper, P.K., & Fickett, P.M. (1994). Instructor’s Manual, Micro-scale Techniques for the Organic Laboratory. Third Edition. New York. John Wiley & sons, Inc.

Mayo, D.W., Pike, R.M., & Trumper, P.K. (1994). Micro-scale Organic Laboratory with Multi-step and Multi-scale Syntheses (3rd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Mayo, D.W., Pike, R.M., Butcher, S.S., & Trumper, P.K. (1991). Micro-scale Techniques for the Organic Laboratory. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Mayo, D.W., Pike, R.M., & Butcher, S.S. (1989). Micro-scale Organic Laboratory (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Pavia, D.L., Lampman, G.S., & Engel, R.G. (1990). Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques: A Micro-scale Approach. Philadelphia: Saunders College Publishing.

Pike, R.M. (Winter 1994). Micro-scale Chemistry-Small Scale, Big Idea. EM Scientist, 3 (1), pp. 1-2.

Szafran, Z., Pike, R.M., & Singh. (1991). Micro-scale inorganic chemistry: A comprehensive laboratory experience. New York: John Wiley.

Waterman, E.L. (1993). Small scale chemistry laboratory manual. Manlo Park, CA: Addison- Wesley Publishing Co.

Williamson, K.L. (1989). Macro-scale and Micro-scale Organic Experiments. Lexington, MA: D.C. Health and Company.